Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009

I "ate" it whole, of course.
The legendary Cang Jie was said to
have invented writing after observing
the tracks of birds.
A light snow last night,
and now the earth falls open to a fresh page.
A high wind is breaking up the clouds.
Children wait for the yellow bus in a huddle,
and under the feeder, some birds
are busy writing short stories,
poems, and letters to their mothers.
A crow is working on an editorial.
That chickadee is etching a list,
and that robin walks back and forth
composing the opening to her autobirgraphy.
All so prolific this morning,
these expressive little creatures,
and each with an alphabet of only two letters.by Billy Collins
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Winter Getaway

While we are away there are to very important family birthdays. My adorable mother-in-law, GG, is turning 86 and my amazingly cute grandson, Mr. Pants, is turning one. I wish them both a most happy birthday and a year of happiness and adventure.
Monday, January 05, 2009
Alex's First Snowfall

Thursday, January 01, 2009
Happy New Year!

Until my San Marcos family have returned to California I will be too busy to update. But soon....very soon, I'll be back. (And, no, that was not a threat!)
To you and your family, my very best wishes for a happy, healthy and arty 2009!