Saturday, July 21, 2012

Ocean Adventure, Day 3

We visited Loomis Lake State Park and took the trail to the beach.  It wound through a little bit of forest and then opened up to grassland and dunes, then the beach proper.  The whole walk was, maybe, three minutes.  A blustery day, with rain spitting at us occasionally, left us with a big stretch of completely deserted sand.

Except for the birds!  There were large flocks of pelicans flying into the wind, down the surf.  And father out, some sort of seabird in large flocks.  Frankly, my eyes are good enough to figure out what they were.

Lots of pelicans!

There is a big arch leading to the main beach access in Long Beach that proclaims the peninsula the "world's longest beach."  I'm not sure that the statement is not hyperbole, but it is a massively long stretch of sand, that's for sure!  And about the last stretch of sand that  you can still drive parts of in Washington State.

This is a beautiful place, especially when you are all alone with all that water and all that sand.  This part of the coast is called the "graveyard of the Pacific" and it's easy to see why.  There have been a  phenomenal number of shipwrecks here, for as long as man has been sailing by.  (Okay, okay, some of you Dear Readers will say, "Gee, not that long, really, in the course of human history."  I know.  I admit it.)

Miss Velvet-Eyed Doe keeps stopping by for her close-ups.  She is not the least bit afraid of me.  In fact, someone in this condo building was throwing something down into the grass for her to eat the other evening.  We do not feed the animals.  We photograph them but we do not feed them.

There is plenty of good, appropriate eats around for this doe and her friends.

1 comment:

diane b said...

The walk along the lonely rugged beach would have been a great experience but it would have been too cold for me I think.