Monday, July 14, 2008

Quiet Moment

The Twins at two days of age, July 8th. Abigail is on the left and Olivia's on the right.

Annie holding her daughter Alex and her niece, Emma.
Annie and the two pink princesses. Please notice the dainty fork work.

Emma making pancakes for Grandpa "Johnny".
Alex explores the echos that live in garages on a walk back to Gramma's from the beach.

It's quiet. Everyone is asleep--even the cats. I have three grandchildren in the house, my daughter Annie and her husband, my DH and the two aforementioned cats. And it's quiet.....I love having everyone here but I'm no longer used to the noise that small children make. I live in a small house and it's bursting at the seams right now---bursting with those I love the most, but bursting all the same! These quiet moments are to be appreciated and enjoyed, while I wait for the next day and the wonderful, noisy chaos that will be.
Ian enjoying his bath. Granty reads The Mole Sisters to Emma.

And, finally, Gramma.....playing cats (like dolls only more purrfectly delightful) with Emma and Granty.