Thursday, March 31, 2011

Unexpected Treasure

I found a package from my dear little friend Tiff on my doorstep this afternoon.  When I opened it up I found a beautiful handmade card with a delightful note and a handcrafted necklace.

Tiffany, like me, loves to take classes in art making.  She has taken several classes from Sally Jean Alexander, and unlike me, Tiffany has really mastered soldering.

The chain is beautiful and has several kinds of different, all handcrafted, links.  The bottle is has been cut into two pieces, hinged together again and even a tiny little pin created so you can keep it closed while you wear it.

I am so blessed to have such clever, generous


Meri said...

She is marvelously talented -- what a great gift to find, just waiting for you to discover it.

Grove Street Journal said...

How BEAUTIFUL! A treasure indeed!